Ask, Ye Shall Receive

16_1753_20090917204354_Brabus EV12

Hey, so, remember a couple of days ago, when we were whinging about carmakers abandoning over-the-top feats of performance for under-the-EPA-mandated fuel-efficiency numbers? Well, the Brabus EV12 “one of 10” is here to make it all better.

How does a SV12 R Biturbo 800 12-cylinder displacement engine putting out 800 horses and pushing an insane top speed of 230 mph sound? Sounds like performance to us, and it’s exactly what the “Black Baron” has under the hood, and the numbers it puts out.

The murdered-out all-black look is fitting with the aggressive lines (based on the 2010 Mercedes E-Class W 212), though we can’t say we’re big fans of the rear wheel covers, whether they aid with the aerodynamics or not. But a little visual discordance is a small price to pay for that 6.3-liter V12 and an interior enveloped in black leather and carbon-fiber components. That is, however, the only small price, as it will put you back $875,000 to park this beast in your garage, and the “one of 10” moniker is a literal indication of its production run: Only 10 will be made.


~ by Rithy Pheath on 11/26/2010.

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